Ministries for All Ages
A place for you at FBCLG
First Baptist Church of Lemon Grove is blessed to have a Choir and Praise Team that sings each week for its worship services and special seasonal musicals.
Our ministry goal is to build lasting relationships with women of all ages and stages as we grow together in Christ.
First Baptist Church of Lemon Grove is a "missions-minded" church. Led by our Missions Commission of the Deacon Board, and our Global Ministries Team, we are involved in both community and global outreach.
AWANA is a non-denominational children's and youth ministry discipleship program offered weekly from September through May at First Baptist Church of Lemon Grove.
Our High Schoolers see themselves as Ambassadors. Ambassadors of Christ, their families and the church local and at large.
"Special People In Christian Enthusiasm" is an encouraging, friendly group of adults who choose to keep their lives fulfilling, growing & fun, in spite of the challenges that may come their way. :)